20 Automated Weekly Payments
of $25 each, or One Payment of $450, pl hst
How do remote
sessions work?
You send me a selfie and 15
second voice recording once a week (we'll set weekly day/time window).
This is used for me to
capture your unique energetic fingerprint with the Genius Insight Technology.
I run your session remotely
with you receiving the frequencies through the quantum field, the same as other distance healing modalities.
I send you an emailed recap
that includes your before and after aura pictures, assessed Chakras and Spiritual Field panels, and primary Bach Flower Remedy.
If you have the Quantum
Capsule APP, (available for purchase if you don’t yet have one), your session will includes a code to download that week's frequencies (a Playlist) that you can play on your own as often as you
wish that week. This is an empowering addition to your sessions.