Spiritual Resilience (Hygiene) is also available as a 9 Week Program
As multi sensory beings, we feel what happens around us. Radical self care is more important than ever, and with all things, that begins in our energy field.
Are you highly sensitive?
In the old paradigm we thought of outer energies negatively affecting us and from which we needed to protect ourselves. Many of us described ourselves as sensitive, however it was a symptom of porous energetic boundaries.
In the new paradigm we shift the responsibility and focus on building and fostering our Spiritual Resilience.
We exchange energy with everyone we meet through our chakras. Your level of spiritual resilience determines how easily something disrupts your energy. In the new paradigm we are no longer victims to another's energetic influence but instead commit to care of our energy body.
Signs Your Energy Field and Chakras May Need Harmonizing:
Short Tempered
Addictive Behaviors
Brain Fog
Co - Dependancy
Inability to say "No" or Set Boundaries
Joint Problems
Shoulder Pain
Lower Back Pain
Bladder Issues
Digestive Disturbances
Weight Gain
Emotional Eating
Adrenal Fatigue
In the old paradigm, we energetically "raised our shields", visualized bubbles or walls. These are not necessarily wrong tools to use. I can think of a particular visualization that I like a lot.
The deeper aspect is the frequency of any technique we implement. If we are shielding from a place of defense or offense, it is most likely from the frequency of fear. We are all energetically connected in the collective consciousness. Building walls don't just push the external away, they keep us in and closed off. Do you want to contract or expand? Be stagnant or grow?
As we have and will continue to expand our consciousness we gain a higher perspective on concepts such as boundaries. The view is different from higher rungs of the ladder.
The higher perspective on boundaries is standards. The standards by which you treat yourself are your boundaries.
It is your frequency emanating from you that "protects you". Aligning with your highest/true frequency emanates a shining light from you that is your shield, repelling unsupportive energies, and not attracting them to begin with. You are simply not a vibrational match.
Your interaction with others happens at the level of our energy fields. Words are often not necessary. Explaining your boundaries to someone rarely works. Exuding and embodying your standards communicates your boundaries and fosters your ability to hold them.
When you have a personal standard of self honouring, you will be honoured. The external is a projection of our internal. As always, it comes back to taking radical care of yourself.
In the past, we may have gone to someone to remove undesirable energies for us. They usually returned because we didn't shift our frequency.
You have the ability to foster a clear and powerful energy field. This Program is an empowering tool to assist you.
Cultivate and trust your frequency!
Please purchase your session below. You will be contacted within 48 business hours to set up your session, and provide you with steps (it's easy!) for capturing your "energetic fingerprint" for your session.
Sessions are conducted remotely, working in the quantum field. More about distance energy sessions.
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Quanta Capsule APP Option -
Genius Insight Biofeedback Personal Quanta Capsule for your phone or device. Play your frequencies as often and whenever you like between weekly sessions.
The Quanta Capsule APP engages you further in your own healing. It is available at a discounted rate when purchased with your session to encourage regular playing of your frequencies and optimize results. This is a one time purchase, which is yours to use with every subsequent session or playlist you purchase in the future. Select a biofeedback session option with Capsule for further discount.
I create and export your session frequencies playlist to you via an email Simply enter the code in your email and download your playlist into your APP.
The Quanta Capsule includes 2 additional playists available always - no link required : Chakras and Solfeggio Tones, plus Sacred Geometry.
The APP can also be used to send your voice recording for remote sessions.
Each link active for 7 days.
All sessions include a link. Additional links are available for purchase.
Expect Approximatley 1 - 3 business days from purchase to receiving download and set up instructions.
Select in drop down menu above.
Package and Cancellation Policies Apply. Please scroll towards bottom of this page for full details.
Genius Insight Quantum Biofeedback and Sessions are not a medical diagnostic tool. We are always working in the quantum energy field, and are always referring to your energy fields during all sessions and discussions.